The range of wood oils includes both solvent and water-based products. These products are used in the same way for wood, but there are some differences in their properties. With solvent-based wood oil, for example, thinning and cleaning of tools are done with white spirit. With water-based wood oil, only water is needed for cleaning. Solvent-based wood oil has a longer processing time, while water-based wood oil dries faster.
Sometimes it can be unclear which product has been used for wood treatment in the past. Fortunately, water-borne and solvent-borne wood oils can be used both ways. If you have been using solvent-borne wood oil last time, it is possible to switch to water-borne wood oil - or vice versa.
+ Water-borne wood oils are considered to be better products for the environment and healthier for the user.
+ The use of water-based wood oil reduces the environmental load and the carbon footprint.
+ The best protection is achieved with coloured wood oils because the pigment protects the wood from the sun's UV light. The pigment significantly improves the durability of the treatment.
+ Water-based products have a significantly longer shelf-life than solvent-based wood oils.
- Naturally, oil and water are insoluble and soap-like additives must be added to the oil mixture.
- Water-based wood oils contain plant-based oils that are good nutrition for mold and rot fungi. Wood oils need active ingredients that destroy organisms, i.e. biocides, which prevent e.g. mold and decay. (The use of biocides is regulated in the EU.)
- Only pigments intended for water-borne substances (e.g. water stains) may be added.
+ The advantage of solvent-borne substances is that oil, pigments and tar can be added to them. Tar is a traditional wood preservative that can enhance the protective treatment.
+ The solvent enhances the treatment of wood oil because it usually transports the preservatives deeper into the wood than when treated with water-borne wood oil.
+ The solvent in solvent-borne wood oils kills most of the fungi and other organisms that may be present on the surface of the wood.
- The solvent is volatile, so longer-term protection also requires active ingredients.
- Solvents are harmful because they evaporate into the atmosphere.
The environment plays a significant role in WOODCARE.GUIDE design philosophy. All our products have been designed with sustainability at focus. WOODCARE.GUIDE Wood Oil is an environmentally friendly choice for wood care because the composition is water-soluble and contains only natural oils. WOODCARE.GUIDE Wood Oil is a penetrating treatment agent that is suitable for pressure impregnated wood such as terraces and piers.