Tips to Garden Furniture Maintenance


 The treatment agent should be added section by section to get even finish. 


Regular maintenance keeps the wood surface beautiful and the furniture will last longer. Washing the furniture will remove dirt (pollen, algae, mould, lichens, etc.) from the surface. It is recommended to wash the wooden garden furniture and apply a protective treatment each year. However, the service interval for garden furniture depends on whether the furniture is stored indoors in the winter and how much the weather affects the furniture. It is preferable to store the furniture indoors or in a place where the conditions are more dry and warm than outside in the winter time.


Follow our step-by-step guide to this quick and easy task:

  1. Check the weather forecast before starting the process. Avoid direct sunlight, cold weather, and rain because it could affect the result.
  2. Wash the furniture by using a brush and soapy water. You can also use a maintenance cleaner agent or mould cleaner if necessary. If you are washing with a pressure washer, use a separate terrace nozzle so that the pressure is not too high and does not damage the wood. Allow the furniture to dry thoroughly before the oil treatment.
  3. Stir the oil before use and multiple times during the oiling process. When oiling furniture, start treatment on the undersides of the furniture. Apply the oil with a brush and spread the oil in the direction of the grain. Allow the oil to dry and wipe off unabsorbed oil with a lint-free cloth if necessary.
  4. Apply a second coat to achieve a more lasting result. If you need to do a second coat, let the first one dry for at least an hour.
  5. Your furniture will be ready to use again in 48 hours and it will be protected for another year.



garden furniture and terrace in the summertime